Lista de palavras em inglês ligadas a advocacia

Está na hora de aprender uma lista de palavras em inglês ligadas a advocacia. Você que é advogado e estudante de advocacia, segue uma pequena lista de palavras úteis para você. Quanto mais você estudar, melhor. Lembre-se que estou a sua disposição para te ajudar, não importa qual seja a sua profissão.

Palavras em inglês ligadas a advocacia

  1. Attorney: Advogado Sentence: The attorney provided expert legal advice to the client during the trial.
  2. Lawsuit: Ação judicial Sentence: The company faced a lawsuit due to alleged product defects.
  3. Legal Brief: Parecer jurídico Sentence: The legal brief summarized the key arguments in support of the client’s case.
  4. Counsel: Advogado, Conselheiro Sentence: The client sought counsel from an experienced attorney before making any decisions.
  5. Litigation: Litígio Sentence: The law firm specialized in complex litigation cases.
  6. Legal Aid: Assistência jurídica Sentence: The nonprofit organization provided free legal aid to low-income individuals.
  7. Jurisprudence: Jurisprudência Sentence: The lawyer analyzed recent jurisprudence to strengthen their legal argument.
  8. Arbitration: Arbitragem Sentence: The parties opted for arbitration to resolve their dispute outside of court.
  9. Legal Precedent: Precedente jurídico Sentence: The judge considered the legal precedent in making their decision.
  10. Pro Bono: Pro bono (trabalho voluntário) Sentence: The attorney took on the case pro bono to support access to justice for the underprivileged.
Aprenda a falar sobre férias em inglês

Este texto vai te ajudar a falar sobre férias em inglês. Quem não curte umas férias bem tiradas, não é? Quem não curte uma boa viagem, passeios, e muito mais! Precisamos criar novas frases todos os dias a fim de atingir a tão sonhada fluência. Férias e viagens são assuntos interessantes para conversar com qualquer pessoa.

Diálogo – aprenda a falar sobre férias em inglês

Susan: Hey, how was your weekend?

Peter: It was great! I went hiking with some friends and then relaxed at home. How about yours?

Susan: Nice! I had a chill weekend too. Caught up on some reading and watched a movie. So, any exciting plans for the upcoming holidays?

Peter: Absolutely! I was thinking of taking a trip somewhere. Maybe a beach destination or a hiking trail. What about you?

Susan: That sounds fantastic! I’m actually considering a road trip. Maybe explore some national parks and historic sites. It’s been a while since I had a proper vacation.

Peter: A road trip sounds like a lot of fun! We should totally plan something together. How long are you thinking of taking off?

Susan: I was thinking of taking two weeks off. That should give me enough time to unwind and really enjoy the trip. What about you?

Peter: Two weeks sounds perfect! I was also thinking of the same duration. We could coordinate our plans and maybe even explore some new places together.

Susan: That’s a great idea! We can start researching potential destinations and activities. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?

Peter: Hmm, tough choice! I love both, but I think I lean a bit more towards the beach. The idea of relaxing by the ocean sounds amazing.

Susan: I’m on board with the beach idea! Let’s look into some coastal destinations and figure out the details. It’s going to be an awesome vacation!

Peter: Absolutely! I’m excited already. Let’s finalize our plans and make this the best vacation ever.

The importance of technology in education

Vamos falar neste artigo sobre a importância da tecnologia na educação. Um diálogo em inglês, portanto, preste atenção em cada linha, em cada palavra. Você verá que o seu vocabulário expandirá rapidamente. The importance of technology in education.

The importance of technology in education

Joe: Hey, have you noticed how technology is playing a significant role in education nowadays?

Mike: Absolutely! It’s incredible how apps, websites, laptops, podcasts, and other tech tools have transformed the learning experience. The importance of technology in education is amazing!

Joe: I think one of the key benefits is accessibility. With educational apps, students can learn anytime, anywhere. It’s not confined to the traditional classroom setting.

Mike: Totally agree. It’s a game-changer for students who may have different learning styles or schedules. Plus, the variety of content available online caters to diverse interests and subjects.

Joe: And think about the interactive nature of some apps and websites. They make learning engaging and fun. It’s not just about reading from a textbook anymore.

Mike: That’s true. Interactive simulations, virtual labs, and educational games can make complex concepts more understandable. It’s like turning learning into a hands-on experience.Joe: And what about the collaborative aspect? Many platforms allow students to collaborate on projects, even if they’re miles apart. It promotes teamwork and prepares them for the collaborative nature of the modern workplace.

Joe: I totally agree. We will have lots of surprises in the future in all fields – professional, personal and educational.

Mike: Absolutely. Teamwork and communication are crucial skills, and using technology in education helps students develop these skills from an early age.

Joe: I also love how technology provides personalized learning experiences. Apps and websites can adapt to each student’s pace and style, ensuring that no one gets left behind.

Mike: Yeah, it’s a more individualized approach, catering to the strengths and weaknesses of each student. It helps in addressing specific learning needs.

Joe: Lastly, the abundance of online resources, like podcasts and educational videos, adds another layer of depth to learning. It allows students to explore beyond the textbook, gaining real-world insights and perspectives.

Mike: True, podcasts and videos can make learning more dynamic and help students connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications.

Joe: So, overall, technology is not just a tool; it’s a catalyst for a more dynamic, accessible, and personalized education.

Mike: Couldn’t have said it better. It’s exciting to think about how technology will continue to shape the future of education.

How to earn money online

The idea of this article is to give you tips how to earn money online. Read and learn new words.

Learn how to earn money online

Title: Unlocking Online Income: Tips for Success

Introduction: In today’s digital age, the internet has become a vast marketplace offering numerous opportunities to earn money online. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a full-time income, the virtual world provides a myriad of avenues to explore. This article will delve into various strategies and tips on how to make money online.

1. Freelancing: One of the most accessible ways to earn money online is through freelancing. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients seeking their skills. Whether you’re a writer, designer, programmer, or marketer, freelancing platforms offer a diverse range of opportunities.

2. Online Surveys and Reviews: Companies are willing to pay for consumer opinions. Participating in online surveys and reviews on platforms like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Vindale Research can be a simple way to earn extra cash. While the income may not be substantial, it can be a convenient method for those looking to make money in their spare time.

3. Affiliate Marketing: For those with a knack for marketing, affiliate marketing can be a lucrative venture. By promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales generated through your unique affiliate link, individuals can create a passive income stream. Joining affiliate programs offered by companies like Amazon Associates or ShareASale is a popular starting point.

4. Online Courses and Ebooks: If you possess expertise in a particular subject, consider creating and selling online courses or ebooks. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable allow individuals to monetize their knowledge by providing educational content. This can be a rewarding long-term strategy as the content continues to generate income over time.

5. Virtual Assistance: Businesses and entrepreneurs often require virtual assistants to handle tasks such as email management, social media, and customer support. Websites like Virtual Assistant Jobs or Zirtual connect virtual assistants with clients looking for their services.

6. Stock Photography: If you have a talent for photography, you can sell your photos on stock photography websites such as Shutterstock or Adobe Stock. Every time someone purchases the rights to use your photo, you earn a royalty. This can be a passive income source for photographers.

7. Remote Tutoring or Coaching: For those well-versed in a particular subject or skill, offering tutoring or coaching sessions online can be a rewarding venture. Websites like Chegg Tutors or Wyzant connect educators with students seeking personalized learning experiences.

Conclusion: Earning money online has never been more accessible, thanks to the plethora of opportunities available on the internet. Whether you’re freelancing, engaging in affiliate marketing, or selling your expertise through online courses, the key to success lies in dedication, continuous learning, and adapting to the ever-evolving online landscape. With the right approach, anyone can unlock the potential to generate income and thrive in the digital realm.

Oração em inglês sobre Natal

Vamos celebrar o Natal em inglês. Uma linda oração em inglês sobre Natal para você.

Uma oração em inglês sobre Natal para você

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we gather together on this joyous occasion of Christmas, we lift our hearts in gratitude and praise. We thank you for the precious gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate with love and reverence.

In the midst of the festive decorations and the warmth of our loved ones, we are reminded of the true meaning of Christmas – a time of hope, peace, and the boundless love you bestowed upon us through the miracle of Christ’s birth.

We pray for those who may be feeling lonely or burdened during this season. May your comforting presence surround them, and may they experience the true joy that comes from knowing you.

As we exchange gifts and share meals with family and friends, let us not forget the greatest gift of all – the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. May we reflect on the significance of this gift and strive to live in a manner that honors the teachings of your Son.

Lord, bless this Christmas season with moments of laughter, kindness, and generosity. Help us to extend a helping hand to those in need and to share the love and joy that Christ brought into the world.

We also remember those who are facing challenges, illness, or loss during this time. Grant them strength, comfort, and healing, and may the spirit of Christmas bring them solace and renewed hope.

In the midst of the festivities, let us take a moment to express our gratitude for the blessings you have bestowed upon us throughout the year. We are thankful for your guidance, protection, and the countless ways you have shown us your love.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may our hearts be filled with gratitude, joy, and a deep sense of your presence. May the message of Christmas resonate in our lives throughout the coming year.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


Jesus is born

Revisão dos tempos verbais do inglês

Vamos ver agora uma revisão dos tempos verbais do inglês. Você precisa ter um bom domínio gramatical para falar o inglês com maior tranquilidade e sem medo de errar. Lembre-se que não existe ninguém que tenha o inglês perfeito! Todos nós por mais experiência que tenhamos, precisamos sim aprender coisas novas diariamente.

A ideia destes exercícios é te ajudar a entender os tempos verbais do inglês através de exercícios simples. Faça-os e terá todas as condições de entender cada tempo verbal de uma forma mais dinâmica e sem tédio. Lembre-se também que estou a sua disposição para te ajudar.

Tempos verbais do inglês

1.Simple Present Tense: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in simple present.

a. She usually __________ (go) to the gym in the morning.

b. I __________ (eat) vegetables every day.

c. They always __________ (watch) movies on Fridays.

2. Simple Past Tense: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a. Last weekend, I ________ (go/went) to the beach with my friends.

b. We ________ (visit/visited) the museum yesterday.

c. She ________ (have/had) a great time at the party.

3. Present Perfect Tense: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in present perfect.

a. I __________ (never/be) to Paris.

b. They __________ (just/finish) their homework.

c. She __________ (live) in this city for five years.

4. Simple Future Tense: Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

a. Tomorrow, we ________ (will go/went) to the new restaurant in town.

b. She ________ (will visit/visited) her grandparents next weekend.

c. By this time next year, he ________ (will graduate/graduated) from college.

5. Near Future Tense: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb for near future.

a. We __________ (leave) for the airport in an hour.

b. She __________ (come) to the party later tonight.

c. They __________ (start) the project next week.

6. To Be (Present): Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “to be” (am/are/is).

a. I ________ a student.

b. They ________ at the park.

c. She ________ my best friend.

7. Was and Were: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a. Yesterday, she ________ (was/were) at the mall.

b. We ________ (was/were) surprised by the news.

c. They ________ (was/were) on vacation last month.

Passive Voice and Active Voice

Hoje você aprenderá passive voice and active voice em inglês, ou seja, a voz passiva e a voz ativa. Leia o diálogo abaixo e entenda o significado deste importante tópico gramatical. É um tema bastante usado, portanto, fique de olho nos detalhes e procure pratica-los da melhor forma possível.

Passive Voice and Active Voice

Teacher: Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to delve into the active and passive voice. These are two essential components of English grammar that can significantly impact how we communicate. Let’s start with the active voice.

Student: Good morning! So, what exactly is the active voice?

Teacher: Excellent question! In the active voice, the subject performs the action. For instance, consider this sentence: “The chef cooked a delicious meal.” Here, “the chef” is the subject, and he is performing the action of cooking.

Student: Got it! But what about the passive voice?

Teacher: In the passive voice, the subject receives the action. Let me give you an example using the same scenario: “A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.” Here, the emphasis is on the meal, which is now the subject, and it received the action of being cooked by the chef.

Student: Oh, I see. So, when do we use each of them?

Teacher: Excellent question! We use the active voice when the focus is on the doer of the action, and the passive voice when the focus is on the receiver of the action or when the doer is unknown or less important.

Student: Can you provide more examples?

Professor: Certainly! Let’s take an active voice example: “The company released a new product.” Now, in passive voice: “A new product was released by the company.” See how the focus shifts?

Student: Yes, it’s clearer now. Is there anything else I should know?

Professor: Just remember that maintaining a balance between active and passive voice is crucial for effective communication. Overusing one or the other can affect the clarity and flow of your writing or speech.

Student: Thanks! I think I understand it better now.

Professor: You’re very welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Países e nacionalidades em inglês

Eis uma lista de países e nacionalidades em inglês para você. Leia cada uma delas e preste atenção nas frases. Aumente o seu vocabulário todos os dias, e certamente será capaz de entender muitas palavras novas quando for viajar ou assistir algum filme.

Alguns países e nacionalidades em inglês para você

  1. Brazil
    • Nationality: Brazilian
    • Example: “I met a Brazilian friend at the party last night.”
  2. Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Example: “My favorite cuisine is Japanese; I love sushi and ramen.”
  3. France
    • Nationality: French
    • Example: “She speaks fluent French, having lived in Paris for a year.”
  4. India
    • Nationality: Indian
    • Example: “Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and diverse spices.”
  5. Germany
    • Nationality: German
    • Example: “The German engineering in this car is truly impressive.”
  6. Mexico
    • Nationality: Mexican
    • Example: “I enjoy Mexican music, especially salsa and mariachi.”
  7. Canada
    • Nationality: Canadian
    • Example: “Canadian winters can be quite harsh with heavy snowfall.”
  8. China
    • Nationality: Chinese
    • Example: “Chinese New Year is celebrated with colorful parades and fireworks.”
  9. Australia
    • Nationality: Australian
    • Example: “I have an Australian colleague who is passionate about surfing.”
  10. Italy
    • Nationality: Italian
    • Example: “Italian art and culture have influenced the world for centuries.”
  11. South Korea
    • Nationality: Korean
    • Example: “Korean BBQ is a popular and delicious dining experience.”
  12. United Kingdom
    • Nationality: British
    • Example: “The British accent is often considered charming and elegant.”
  13. Russia
    • Nationality: Russian
    • Example: “Russian literature, like Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace,’ is renowned.”
  14. South Africa
    • Nationality: South African
    • Example: “I had the opportunity to visit a South African safari last summer.”
  15. Spain
    • Nationality: Spanish
    • Example: “Tapas are a traditional Spanish way of enjoying small dishes.”
  16. Argentina
    • Nationality: Argentine
    • Example: “Argentine tango is a passionate and expressive dance.”
  17. Sweden
    • Nationality: Swedish
    • Example: “Swedish design is known for its simplicity and functionality.”
  18. Nigeria
    • Nationality: Nigerian
    • Example: “Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa.”
  19. Egypt
    • Nationality: Egyptian
    • Example: “The Pyramids of Giza are iconic symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization.”
  20. Turkey
    • Nationality: Turkish
    • Example: “Turkish cuisine offers a delightful mix of flavors and spices.”
  21. Greece
    • Nationality: Greek
    • Example: “Greek mythology has inspired countless works of literature and art.”
  22. Norway
    • Nationality: Norwegian
    • Example: “Norwegian fjords are breathtaking natural wonders.”
  23. Ireland
    • Nationality: Irish
    • Example: “St. Patrick’s Day is widely celebrated in Ireland and around the world.”
  24. Thailand
    • Nationality: Thai
    • Example: “Thai cuisine is known for its balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors.”
  25. Morocco
    • Nationality: Moroccan
    • Example: “Moroccan architecture is characterized by intricate tilework and arches.”
  26. Peru
    • Nationality: Peruvian
    • Example: “Machu Picchu is a famous archaeological site in Peru.”
  27. Saudi Arabia
    • Nationality: Saudi Arabian
    • Example: “Saudi Arabian hospitality is known for its warmth and generosity.”
  28. Switzerland
    • Nationality: Swiss
    • Example: “Switzerland is famous for its picturesque landscapes and chocolate.”
  29. Vietnam
    • Nationality: Vietnamese
    • Example: “Pho is a popular Vietnamese noodle soup enjoyed worldwide.”
  30. Chile
    • Nationality: Chilean
    • Example: “Chilean wines are celebrated for their quality and unique flavors.”

My Brazilian friend lives in Rio de Janeiro.

Palavras em inglês relacionadas a medicina

Hoje você aprenderá palavras em inglês relacionadas a medicina. São 20 palavras essenciais caso você necessite de um médico ou ir ao hospital em uma emergência. Lembre-se que aprender vocabulário todos os dias ajuda e muito a melhorar a sua fluência como um todo. Você precisa falar o idioma da forma mais rápida possível devido a concorrência do mercado.

Palavras em inglês relacionadas a medicina

Aprenda boas palavras em inglês relacionadas a medicina. Leia os exemplos abaixo.

  1. Doctor – Médico
    Sentence: The doctor examined the patient thoroughly.
  2. Nurse – Enfermeiro(a)
    Sentence: The nurse administered the medication to the patient.
  3. Hospital – Hospital
    Sentence: He was admitted to the hospital for surgery.
  4. Medication – Medicamento
    Sentence: Take the medication as prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Surgery – Cirurgia
    Sentence: The surgery was successful, and the patient is recovering.
  6. Patient – Paciente
    Sentence: The doctor discussed the treatment plan with the patient.
  7. Symptom – Sintoma
    Sentence: Fatigue is a common symptom of this illness.
  8. Diagnosis – Diagnóstico
    Sentence: The doctor explained the diagnosis and recommended treatment.
  9. Prescription – Receita médica
    Sentence: Don’t forget to pick up your prescription at the pharmacy.
  10. Emergency – Emergência
    Sentence: Call 911 in case of a medical emergency.
  11. Vaccine – Vacina
    Sentence: The vaccine helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
  12. Therapy – Terapia
    Sentence: Physical therapy is essential for recovering from the injury.
  13. Healthcare – Cuidados de saúde
    Sentence: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right.
  14. Laboratory – Laboratório
    Sentence: The blood sample was sent to the laboratory for analysis.
  15. Recovery – Recuperação
    Sentence: The patient is making steady progress in their recovery.
  16. Disease – Doença
    Sentence: Early detection is crucial in treating many diseases.
  17. Allergy – Alergia
    Sentence: She has an allergy to peanuts, so she avoids them.
  18. Pain – Dor
    Sentence: The medication helps alleviate the pain.
  19. Appointment – Consulta
    Sentence: Don’t forget to schedule your follow-up appointment.
  20. Health Insurance – Seguro de saúde
    Sentence: It’s important to have health insurance to cover medical expenses.
A importância da leitura no aprendizado do inglês

Teacher: Good morning, class. Today, I’d like to emphasize the importance of reading in English. It’s a crucial skill that goes beyond the classroom.

Student: Good morning, teacher. I’ve always found reading a bit challenging. Why is it so important?

Teacher: Well, reading in English enhances various language skills. It exposes you to different vocabulary, sentence structures, and idiomatic expressions that you might not encounter in everyday conversations. It’s like a window to the cultural and linguistic nuances of the English language.

Student: I get that, but with all the other things we have to do, is reading really that necessary?

Teacher: Absolutely. Reading helps improve your comprehension skills, expands your vocabulary, and boosts your overall language proficiency. Moreover, it’s a great way to stay informed about the world, especially with so much information available in English.

Student: But I can just watch English movies or listen to music. Isn’t that enough?

Teacher: While those activities are beneficial, reading provides a different level of engagement. It requires you to process information at your own pace, giving you the opportunity to reflect and understand the nuances of the language more deeply. It’s a unique cognitive exercise.

Student: I guess I never thought of it that way. Do you have any tips on how to make reading more enjoyable?

Teacher: Certainly! Choose materials that genuinely interest you, whether it’s a novel, articles, or even graphic novels. Set realistic goals, like reading a certain number of pages each day. And don’t be afraid to use a dictionary to expand your understanding. Gradually, you’ll find reading becomes a rewarding and enjoyable habit.

Student: Thanks, teacher. I’ll give it a shot and see if it makes a difference.

Teacher: Great! Remember, the more you read, the more confident and proficient you’ll become in English. It’s a journey worth taking. If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to ask.