Conditional – zero, primeiro, segundo e terceiro
  1. Zero Conditional (Condicional Zero): O zero conditional é usado para expressar situações que são verdadeiras em geral, isto é, situações que ocorrem sempre que uma determinada condição é satisfeita. Ele é formado por duas partes: a “if-clause” (cláusula condicional) e a “main clause” (cláusula principal). Ambas as cláusulas são escritas no presente simples. Por exemplo:
  • If it rains, the streets get wet. (Se chover, as ruas ficam molhadas.)

Nesse exemplo, a cláusula condicional “If it rains” expressa a condição, e a cláusula principal “the streets get wet” indica o resultado esperado quando a condição é satisfeita.

  1. First Conditional (Primeiro Condicional): O primeiro condicional é usado para expressar situações possíveis ou prováveis no futuro. Ele também é composto por uma cláusula condicional e uma cláusula principal, mas a diferença é que a cláusula condicional é escrita no presente simples e a cláusula principal é escrita no futuro simples ou imperativo. Por exemplo:
  • If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. (Se chover amanhã, eu vou ficar em casa.)

Nesse caso, a cláusula condicional “If it rains tomorrow” indica a condição, e a cláusula principal “I will stay at home” mostra a ação que ocorrerá caso a condição seja verdadeira.

  1. Second Conditional (Segundo Condicional): O segundo condicional é usado para expressar situações hipotéticas ou improváveis no presente ou futuro. Ele também é composto por uma cláusula condicional e uma cláusula principal, mas a cláusula condicional é escrita no passado simples e a cláusula principal é escrita no condicional simples. Por exemplo:
  • If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. (Se eu ganhasse na loteria, eu viajaria ao redor do mundo.)

4. Third Conditional (Terceiro condicional): O terceiro condicional é usado para expressar situações hipotéticas que ocorreram no passado e seus resultados imaginados, ou seja, situações irreais que já não podem ser alteradas. Ele também é composto por uma cláusula condicional e uma cláusula principal, mas a cláusula condicional é escrita no passado perfeito e a cláusula principal é escrita no condicional perfeito. Vejamos um exemplo:

  • If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam. (Se eu tivesse estudado mais, eu teria passado na prova.)

If I went to London, I’d visit some museums.

Frases usadas em aeroportos

Quando você for viajar, é essencial que você aprenda novas frases e expressões para usar em aeroportos. Dê uma olhada com calma e pratique o máximo que puder.

  1. Where is the check-in counter? – Onde fica o balcão de check-in?
  2. I have a reservation. – Eu tenho uma reserva.
  3. Can I see your passport, please? – Posso ver seu passaporte, por favor?
  4. Is there a weight limit for baggage? – Existe um limite de peso para bagagem?
  5. Where is the boarding gate? – Onde fica o portão de embarque?
  6. What time is the flight to [destination]? – Que horas é o voo para [destino]?
  7. Is there a delay? – Há algum atraso?
  8. Where can I get a boarding pass? – Onde posso pegar o cartão de embarque?
  9. Can I have a window seat, please? – Posso ter um assento na janela, por favor?
  10. How much is the excess baggage fee? – Qual é a taxa de excesso de bagagem?
  11. Is there a non-stop flight to [destination]? – Há um voo direto para [destino]?
  12. Where can I claim my baggage? – Onde posso retirar minha bagagem?
  13. Is there Wi-Fi available in the airport? – Há Wi-Fi disponível no aeroporto?
  14. Can you please provide me with a wheelchair? – Você pode me fornecer uma cadeira de rodas, por favor?
  15. What is the boarding time? – Qual é o horário de embarque?
  16. Is there a customs declaration form to fill out? – Existe um formulário de declaração alfandegária para preencher?
  17. How long is the layover? – Quanto tempo é a escala?
  18. Where is the nearest currency exchange? – Onde fica o câmbio mais próximo?
  19. Is there a shuttle service to the city center? – Há um serviço de translado para o centro da cidade?
  20. Thank you for your assistance. – Obrigado(a) pela sua ajuda.

She is at the airport

Uso dos advérbios

Os advérbios em inglês são palavras que modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros advérbios, fornecendo informações adicionais sobre a maneira, o lugar, o tempo, a frequência ou o grau em que uma ação ocorre. Eles desempenham um papel importante na expressão de detalhes em frases em inglês.

Aqui estão alguns tipos comuns de advérbios em inglês, juntamente com exemplos de uso:

  1. Advérbios de maneira: Esses advérbios descrevem a maneira como uma ação é realizada. Exemplo: She sings beautifully. (Ela canta lindamente.)
  2. Advérbios de lugar: Esses advérbios indicam onde uma ação ocorre. Exemplo: He lives nearby. (Ele mora nas proximidades.)
  3. Advérbios de tempo: Esses advérbios indicam quando uma ação ocorre. Exemplo: They arrived early. (Eles chegaram cedo.)
  4. Advérbios de frequência: Esses advérbios descrevem com que frequência uma ação ocorre. Exemplo: I rarely go to the gym. (Eu vou raramente à academia.)
  5. Advérbios de grau: Esses advérbios indicam o grau ou a intensidade de uma ação. Exemplo: She runs very fast. (Ela corre muito rápido.)

20 advérbios para você

  1. Quickly – He ran quickly to catch the bus. (Ele correu rapidamente para pegar o ônibus.)
  2. Slowly – The turtle moved slowly across the road. (A tartaruga se movia lentamente pela estrada.)
  3. Carefully – She drives carefully. (Ela dirige cuidadosamente.)
  4. Loudly – The crowd cheered loudly at the concert. (A multidão aplaudiu alto no concerto.)
  5. Quietly – Please speak quietly in the library. (Por favor, fale baixo na biblioteca.)
  6. Happily – They danced happily at the wedding. (Eles dançaram felizes no casamento.)
  7. Sadly – He spoke sadly about the loss of his pet. (Ele falou tristemente sobre a perda de seu animal de estimação.)
  8. Suddenly – The car suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. (O carro parou subitamente no meio da estrada.)
  9. Clearly – The teacher explained the lesson clearly. (O professor explicou a lição claramente.)
  10. Honestly – She answered the question honestly. (Ela respondeu a pergunta honestamente.)
  11. Beautifully – The flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden. (As flores floresceram lindamente no jardim.)
  12. Cautiously – Peter walked cautiously along the narrow trail. (Peter andou cautelosamente pela trilha estreita.)
  13. Frequently – They travel frequently for work. (Eles viajam frequentemente a trabalho.)
  14. Rarely – She rarely eats fast food. (Ela raramente come fast food.)
  15. Easily – The puzzle was easily solved. (O quebra-cabeça foi facilmente resolvido.)
  16. Eventually – He eventually found the solution to the problem. (Eventualmente, ele encontrou a solução para o problema.)
  17. Everywhere – He searched everywhere for his lost wallet but couldn’t find it. (Ele procurou em todos os lugares por sua carteira perdida, mas não conseguiu encontrá-la.)
  18. Nowhere – I searched for my keys, but they were nowhere to be found. (Procurei minhas chaves, mas elas não estavam em lugar nenhum.)
  19. Always – She always arrives on time for meetings. (Ela sempre chega pontualmente às reuniões.)
  20. Hardly – He hardly studied for the exam and still got an A. (Ele mal estudou para a prova e mesmo assim tirou um A.)

She drives carefully

Frases em inglês usadas em compras

Quem já viajou ao exterior, sabe muito bem a tentação que é fazer compras. Há uma boa variedade de produtos e os preços realmente compensam. Tudo que você precisa fazer é aprender algumas frases em inglês usadas em compras. Realmente vale a pena aprender todos os detalhes e fazer a compra dos seus sonhos. Vamos aprender agora algumas boas frases usadas em compras.

Expressões usadas para compras

May I help you? – posso te ajudar?

May I help you?

Yes, I’m looking for a tie.

I’m looking for – estou procurando

I’m looking for a book. Which one do you recommend?

I’m just browsing – dando só uma olhada

I’m just browsing. Thanks

Where are the fitting rooms? Onde ficam as cabines?

Please, could you tell me where the fitting rooms are?

Could I try this on? Posso experimentar?

Could I try this shirt on?

This shirt is too tight – esta camisa é muito apertada

I’d like another shirt. This one is too tight.

This shirt is too loose – esta camisa é muito folgada

This shirt is too loose. Do you have another one in a smaller size?

Could you gift wrap, please? Poderia embrulhar para presente, por favor?

Could you gift wrap, please. This is a gift for my brother.

How much is it – how much does it cost – quanto custa?

How much is it, please?

Is it on sale? Está em promoção?

Is this tie on sale?

How can I pay? Cash or card – como posso pagar? Dinheiro ou cartão

How can I pay?

Cash or card.

Credit card, please.

What’s the best price you can offer? – qual o melhor preço que você faz?

Expressões usadas para boas e más notícias

Expressões usadas para boas e más notícias

Boas notícias

I’m really pleased to tell you

I’ve got a bit of good news to tell you

I’ve got some good news for you

Great news for you

That’s great

I’m glad to hear that



Oh, how wonderful

I can’t believe that

Más notícias

I’m sorry to hear that

I really don’t know how to say it, but …

I really feel bad to have to say this, but …

I’m awfully sorry that …

Poor you

That must be awful

That’s a pity

I’m sorry to hear such terrible news

My goodness

Oh, dear

Brazilian soccer

Leia este artigo sobre o futebol brasileiro e anote as palavras novas. Uma boa chance para você aumentar ainda mais o seu vocabulário. Vale a pena ler o máximo possível de artigos em inglês. Tenha foco e determinação e chegará a fluência.

Brazilian soccer renowned worldwide for its creativity, and unparalleled success, holds a special place in the hearts of soccer enthusiasts. From iconic players to legendary teams, the history of Brazilian soccer is filled with remarkable achievements, memorable moments, and a distinct style of play. In this article, we will comment about the world of Brazilian soccer, exploring its rich legacy and impact on the global stage.

  1. Brazil has the best soccer players in the world. Some of the most famous we can mention. Zico, Ronaldo, Falcão, Pelé (the best in the world who passed away at the end of 2022), Tostão, Rivelino, and many other ones. Brazil also has excellent young players and they are usually transfered to European teams.
  2. Triumphs on the International Stage: Brazil’s national team is the most successful in the history of the FIFA World Cup, having lifted the prestigious trophy a record five times (until 2022). The team’s dominance and ability to produce exceptional talent have earned Brazil a revered status in world soccer. The captivating performances, the strategic brilliance of coaches like Zagallo, and the unforgettable moments on the pitch have solidified Brazil’s reputation as a soccer powerhouse.
  3. The Magic of Maracanã: The Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is an iconic symbol of Brazilian soccer. It has witnessed some of the most memorable matches in history, including the 1950 World Cup Final. Brazil lost to Uruguay (2×1) and it was a sad day for all Brazilian citizens.
  4. The Rise of Club Football: Beyond the national team, Brazilian club football has also famous teams like Flamengo, Santos, São Paulo FC, and Palmeiras have showcased exceptional talent and achieved remarkable success on both domestic and international fronts.
  5. Challenges and Future Prospects: While Brazilian soccer continues to captivate the world, it faces several challenges, including financial instability corruption, and high salaries that cause so many problems to most of the teams. Brazilian players earn a lot of money. We can say soccer is a very important sport for many people.


Estudar as preposições é bastante importante, portanto, vamos conhecer agora as famosas “prepositions” com exemplos e explicações. Existem muitas regras, sendo assim, a prática é sempre o melhor caminho para se atingir a perfeição. Separe um tempo do seu dia e busque as melhores formas de estudo.


ondays of the weekon Monday
inmonths / seasons time of day year after a certain period of time (when?)in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour
atfor night for weekend a certain point of time (when?)at night at the weekend at half past nine
sincefrom a certain point of time (past till now)since 1980
forover a certain period of time (past till now)for 2 years
agoa certain time in the past2 years ago
beforeearlier than a certain point of timebefore 2004
totelling the timeten to six (5:50)
pasttelling the timeten past six (6:10)
to / till / untilmarking the beginning and end of a period of timefrom Monday to/till Friday
till / untilin the sense of how long something is going to lastHe is on holiday until Friday.
byin the sense of at the latest up to a certain timeI will be back by 6 o’clock. By 11 o’clock, I had read five pages.

Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)

inroom, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, worldin the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world
atmeaning next to, by an object for table for events place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)at the door, at the station at the table at a concert, at the party at the cinema, at school, at work
onattached for a place with a river being on a surface for a certain side (left, right) for a floor in a house for public transport for television, radiothe picture on the wall London lies on the Thames. on the table on the left on the first floor on the bus, on a plane on TV, on the radio
by, next to, besideleft or right of somebody or somethingJane is standing by / next to / beside the car.
underon the ground, lower than (or covered by) something elsethe bag is under the table
belowlower than something else but above groundthe fish are below the surface
overcovered by something else meaning more than getting to the other side (also across) overcoming an obstacleput a jacket over your shirt over 16 years of age walk over the bridge climb over the wall
abovehigher than something else, but not directly over ita path above the lake
acrossgetting to the other side (also over) getting to the other sidewalk across the bridge swim across the lake
throughsomething with limits on top, bottom and the sidesdrive through the tunnel
tomovement to person or building movement to a place or country for bedgo to the cinema go to London / Ireland go to bed
intoenter a room / a buildinggo into the kitchen / the house
towardsmovement in the direction of something (but not directly to it)go 5 steps towards the house
ontomovement to the top of somethingjump onto the table
fromin the sense of where froma flower from the garden

Other important Prepositions

fromwho gave ita present from Jane
ofwho/what does it belong to what does it showa page of the book the picture of a palace
bywho made ita book by Mark Twain
onwalking or riding on horseback entering a public transport vehicleon foot, on horseback get on the bus
inentering a car  / Taxiget in the car
offleaving a public transport vehicleget off the train
out ofleaving a car  / Taxiget out of the taxi
byrise or fall of something travelling (other than walking or horseriding)prices have risen by 10 percent by car, by bus
atfor ageshe learned Portuguese at 45
aboutfor topics, meaning what aboutwe were talking about you

He works from Monday to Saturday.

Como usar o would

Vamos ver agora como usar o would. É muito importante aprendê-lo devido a facilidade e o uso do mesmo. O auxiliar would que não tem qualquer tradução em português expressa um hábito no passado ou uma ação hipotética no futuro, bem como é usado para pedidos de uma forma bem educada. Podemos dizer que would + verbo forma o IA em português – IRIA, GOSTARIA, ESTUDARIA, etc.

  1. Affirmative sentences:
    • “I would like to go to the movies tonight.”
    • “She would always help her friends in times of need.”
    • “We would often go for long walks in the park.”
    • “They would visit their grandparents every summer.”
  2. Negative sentences
    • “I would not (wouldn’t) eat seafood even if you paid me.”
    • “He wouldn’t listen to any of my advice.”
    • “We wouldn’t miss the opportunity to travel the world.”
    • “They wouldn’t believe what happened next.”
  3. Interrogative sentences
    • “Would you like some coffee?”
    • “Would he be interested in joining our club?”
    • “Would we be able to finish the project on time?”
    • “Would they like to come to the party with us?”

I would like to buy a new car.

Simple Future e Near Future

Vamos ver agora a diferença entre Simple Future e Near Future – leia com atenção e preste atenção nos exemplos. O ideal é que você crie também suas frases.

Simple Future

It is used when you decide something at the moment or you are planning to do something.

Auxiliary WILL – I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they

When you decide something at the moment of speaking

I will pay for the tickets!

I will take it.

When you are planning to do something in the future

I will travel to Florida in the next two years.

Mike will buy a new car. He has a very old one.

Negative sentences:

Will not – won’t

I won’t have time! Sorry!

I won’t buy a new car now. I don’t have money.


Will you go to the movies on Saturday?

Will she travel to England next year?

I’ll have a pizza

Near Future

Near Future – to be + going to

It is used when something will happen within a short time. It is a certain action.

I am going to take an umbrella because it is raining.

She is going to buy a new house because she has $500,000 in her bank account.

They are going to move to Miami. They have already bought the tickets.

Negative sentences

I am not going to buy a new car. I don’t have money at this moment.

She is not going to swim today. It is raining cats and dogs.

Karen is not going to visit her relatives because they are traveling.

Paul and Mike are not going to travel to Europe this year.

Remember that you can use: I’m not going to, you aren’t going to, he isn’t going to, etc

Interrogative sentences

Are you going to visit your father next weekend?

What are you going to buy in the supermarket?

Is she going to play volleyball on Sunday?

Are your parents going to work tonight?

I’m going to work now.

Pronomes interrogativos

Você conhece todos os pronomes interrogativos? Pronomes são aquelas palavras tais como onde, qual, quando, etc. Eis uma lista completa para você criar suas frases e aumentar ainda mais o seu vocabulário e criar suas perguntas quando desejar.

  1. Who – Quem – Example: Who is the new employee in the office?
  2. Whom – A quem- Example: Whom did you invite to the party?
  3. What – O que/Qual – Example: What is your favorite color?
  4. Which – Qual – Example: Which book do you recommend?
  5. Whose – De quem – Example: Whose car is parked outside?
  6. Whichever – Qualquer que – Example: You can choose whichever movie you want to watch.
  7. Whatever – Qualquer coisa – Example: Whatever you decide, I will support you.
  8. Where – Onde – Example: Where are you going for vacation?
  9. When – Quando – Example: When is your birthday?
  10. Why – Por que – Example: Why did you choose that restaurant?
  11. How – Como – Example: How did you learn to play the guitar?
  12. How much – Quanto (para quantidades incontáveis) – Example: How much water do you drink every day?
  13. How many – Quantos/as (para quantidades contáveis) – Example: How many brothers do you have?
  14. How often – Com que frequência – Example: How often do you go to the gym?
  15. How long – Quanto tempo – Example: How long have you lived in this city?
  16. How far – Quão longe – Example: How far is the nearest grocery store?
  17. How old – Quantos anos – Example: How old is your sister?
  18. How tall – Quão alto/a – Example: How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
  19. How fast – Quão rápido – Example: How fast can you drive?
  20. How big – Quão grande – Example: How big is your house?
  21. How small – Quão pequeno/a – Example: How small is the smallest country in the world?
  22. How heavy – Quão pesado/a – Example: How heavy is that suitcase?

Where do you live?

I live in a small town in England.