Hoje você aprenderá algumas palavras relacionadas a restaurante. São palavras importantes para você empregar no seu dia a dia. Dê uma olhada nesta lista que eu preparei para você. É essencial observar as frases também, enfim, e aprender coisas novas. Crie suas próprias frases e você não se esquecerá destas palavras relacionadas a restaurante.
Palavras relacionadas a restaurante
- Menu (Cardápio):
- “Have you had a chance to look at the menu yet?”
- “The menu offers a variety of delicious options.”
- Waiter/Waitress (Garçom/Garçonete):
- “Our waiter was very attentive and polite.”
- “The waitress took our orders promptly.”
- Table (Mesa):
- “We’d like a table for two, please.”
- “The table by the window has a great view.”
- Reservation (Reserva):
- “I made a reservation for 7:30 tonight.”
- “Reservations are recommended for weekends.”
- Order (Pedido):
- “I’ll have the steak, and she’ll order the pasta.”
- “They got our order wrong, but they fixed it quickly.”
- Chef (Chef):
- “The chef’s special tonight is a seafood risotto.”
- “The chef is known for his creative dishes.”
- Cuisine (Cozinha):
- “This restaurant serves Italian cuisine.”
- “I love trying different types of cuisine.”
- Dish (Prato):
- “The lasagna is their signature dish.”
- “I tried a new seafood dish last night.”
- Service (Atendimento):
- “The service here is excellent.”
- “Good service can make or break a dining experience.”
- Bill/Check (Conta):
- “Can we have the bill, please?”
- “I’ll pay the check, and you can leave the tip.”
- Tip/Gratuity (Gorjeta):
- “Don’t forget to leave a tip for the server.”
- “A 15% tip is customary in this country.”
- Utensils (Utensílios):
- “Please bring us some utensils for our meal.”
- “The restaurant provides high-quality utensils.”
- Beverage (Bebida):
- “I’ll have a glass of red wine as my beverage.”
- “The beverage menu includes soft drinks and cocktails.”
- Special (Especial do Dia):
- “What’s the chef’s special for today?”
- “I always like trying the daily special.”
- Reservation (Reserva):
- “Do we need a reservation for tonight?”
- “I called and made a reservation for four people.”
- Host/Hostess (Anfitrião/Anfitriã):
- “The hostess greeted us at the entrance.”
- “The host showed us to our table.”
- Appetizer (Entrada):
- “Let’s start with the garlic bread as an appetizer.”
- “The spinach dip is a popular appetizer here.”